By Kieran Webber

It was all very last minute but last week I had the absolute pleasure of photographing Catfish and the Bottlemen, one of the UK’s leading indie-rock bands. Their show was an energetic, fiery performance that saw them throw their very souls into their music. It was a delight to watch. Leadsinger Van McCann swayed and staggered around the stage, oozing cool. It didn’t take long for them to have the crowd eating out of their hands, tracks such as ‘Longshot’, ‘Kathleen’ and ‘Cocoon’ made the pavilions explode. Mosh pits opened up and bodies took to the skies to crowd surf. It was a fantastic energy that filled the room.

It’s no surprise that they have built such a strong reputation for their live shows, they bring twice as much power than their recordings. Tangents burst through the music, creating a new layer to their already infectious indie melodies. The night was proof that Catfish and the Bottlemen are well deserving of their accolades and are an exciting element to British guitar music.

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By Kieran Webber 

(Getting your work stolen sucks but in the internet age it’s hard to combat, so if you take my photographs please just credit me)

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