By Georgia Cummings & Tom Tozer | Header Image by Kieran Webber

Although being around for a relatively short time Flowers Of Palo have made some serious waves in the Cornish scene. Having played extensively in Falmouth they built a reputation for being an energetic, fun indie band. This even lead to them opening for The Babe Rainbow at The Old Bakery, Truro.

They’re an exciting band that are now carrying the Cornish flag in the big smoke. It’s going to be an exciting year for the young band and we’re all in for the ride, keep your eyes peeled.

We had a quick chat with them at our Christmas show at Whiskers, Newquay. We spoke about touring with Milo Gore, their new EP and much more.

Georgia: So, how are you all?

Emma: Yeah pretty good to be fair

Georgia: You just got back from tour?

Emma: We played at The Old Haircutters, then we had Bristol which was The Mothers Ruin, then we had London which was the New Cross Inn. And I think my favourite was definitely the New Cross Inn. It was so much fun, it was a good crack. Despite the lack of people it was still worth it.

Tom: How was it touring with Milo Gore?

Emma: Oh yeah that was sick- those were the best people we could have been on tour with.

Tom: Did you know them before or is that the first time you met them?

Emma: Oh no we know them from like…We kinda became good friends with Milo at the Great Estate Festival because I was living in Fal and he was living on the next road and he was like ‘Oh do you want me to take you?’ so then we ended up hanging out at the festival and yeah…a friendship blossomed. 

Georgia: So the tour overall was good it, it was a success?

Flowers of Palo: It was yeah.

Connor: It was incredible, I actually cried after the last show.

Emma: Yeah same to be fair!

Connor: Because I just didn’t want it to end. I mean I can’t speak for you guys but haha, I fucking loved it.

Bobs: Mothers Ruin was pretty funny.

Oscar: Oh yeah we had a nightmare, so um, Bobs accidentally kicked over my guitar when it was on the side while we were playing and the jack snapped inside of it so we have had to play half the show without the second guitar so we were just improvising all the parts. It was a nightmare but at the same time I think we pulled it off just about.

Bobs: It was sound.

Listen to ‘Not Long Till New York’ here:

Georgia: I guess it’s a good learning curve because it probably won’t happen again? Haha.

Oscar: Haha yeah good learning curve like, bring another guitar. 

Georgia: So what are your next plans, back from tour, getting an album out?

Emma: Yeah we’ve got an EP to get mixed and mastered.

Georgia: Whats the EP called?

Emma: Well comma what job do you want question mark haha. (((‘Well, what job do you want?’)))

Georgia: So what’s that revolved around? Is the title a theme for the whole thing?

Emma: Well we were flicking through this Charles Bukowski book wasn’t it, and we just flipped upon it, I mean it’s kinda relevant I guess because we’re all forced to go up to uni and do this band thing but obviously on the side we’re doing this academic thing.

Connor: I wouldn’t say forced I mean it was pretty optional ahaha.

Georgia: What’s the plan for 2020 then?

Emma: Maybe some big festivals this summer, that would be good.

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