Photo credit: Sam Luck

Kieran Webber
Kieran Webber

Founder of CLUNK Magazine. Normally found hunched over his desk searching for new music.

Mules solidify themselves as one of the UK’s most important emerging acts with debut single ‘Clapping For Carers’

Every now and then a band appears, seemingly out of nowhere and blows the cobwebs out of your ears. One said band that has managed to do this is the post-punk band from Brighton, Mules. Their sound is an explosive mix of punk, alt-rock, and a dash of hardcore, creating a sound that is remiscent of Pavement and Pulled Apart By Horses. It’s an explosive sound that is a real palate cleanser in a world of clean shaven indie rock.

The band recently signed to HalfmeltedBrain Records and have shared their debut single ‘Clapping For Carers’. It’s a real firecracker of a release that is equal parts riotous as it is poignent, especially during this morally bankrupt political world this country drowns in. The single opens with a slow burning guitar that is taken over by frantic percussion, matched by the politically poetical lyrics from vocalist Tommy Vincent. As the song rages on you feel the tension and anger building, till it comes to its climatic end at the 3 minute 20 mark. As the song ends you’re left to sit in your thoughts and reflect on the madness and hypocrisy of the current (and previous) Conservative governments.

Tommy explains: “Mules take aim at a culture where the most rebellious actions available to us in order to register our disgust are simply symbolic or transactional. What we need is real change. The NHS needs funding, not clapping, these symbolic responses can be patronising and in some cases are done in bad faith.” Adding: “Clapping for Carers is about performative action as contrasted with genuine praxis. By praxis I mean the manifestation of theory in the form of tangible political action.” The song was initially inspired by watching the news and witnessing the sheer hypocrisy of Boris Johnson clapping for the NHS after successive Conservative governments have done their utmost to destroy it, de-fund it, and sell bits of it off to the highest bidder (who often turns out to be one of their mates).” He continues: “For many, clapping was a well-intentioned small symbolic gesture borne of our meagre position and a sense that we have no power to actually change anything. Boris clapping was different. Boris does have the power to invest in the NHS, he chooses not to. But he’ll clap for the reporters.”

Although Mules are a new band they’re already making huge statements throughout their music. It is without a doubt that this band will grow and become of the UK’s most important bands in recent history. ‘Clapping For Carers’ is just the beginning.

Listen to ‘Clapping For Carers’ here:

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